Since May 2021 over 130 children from Jammu and Kashmir with serious congenital heart diseases (CHD) were treated by getting their successful heart surgeries done in and outside J&K with  wonderful results when comparing to international standards.

We are building this hospital so that such patients can be treated in our not for profit VMS Speciality hospital – the construction for which is in full swing.

All related cardiac teams are on standby and ready to join as soon as the setup is ready, collaboration with high-end tertiary hospitals outside Jammu and Kashmir is in place to train our staff before cardiac services commence. Our groundwork continues to benefit our young ones on a daily basis through the “JK Kids Heart Surgery Referral Program” saving lives of our future generations.

Whether you decide to make a one-off donation, or set up a monthly gift payment plan, you can contribute to the development of this hospital and save the lives of these kids, families, and community forever starting today. Your Every contribution and our management & expertise at the right time can be the difference between life and death.