Former Professor & Head, Post Graduate Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College, Srinagar and Director, Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Srinagar, Kashmir is an internationally recognized expert in humanitarian emergencies and disaster mental health. Dr. Margoob’s innovative research work for over more than four decades encompasses a wide range of topics in the neuropsychiatric field. He is on the Editorial board of a few leading international and national journals. Dr Margoob is a member/fellow of several international professional bodies. In Kashmir, he is known for his professional leadership and outstanding contribution in transforming the most stigmatized and neglected sole psychiatric service setup to the present advanced territory care Mental Health treatment and research Institute (IMHANS). As a clinician, Dr. Margoob has provided more than half a million psychiatric consultations/counselling to suffering masses in the community, Government hospital settings and in his private centre over past 40 years. His innovative self-reliant psychosocial/psychiatric intervention model for disaster survivors in impoverished regions of the world has been appreciated globally across all professional levels. He continues to spend most of his time with different stakeholders in the community for promotion of mental health and prevention/treatment of mental health problems.

Dr. Mushtaq Margoob
Psychiatrist, Co-Principal, investigator/Researcher- Kahmir